
I feel like I keep making this promise to myself that I will blog more and then….I don’t.  I don’t make time for it and I fall behind.

This weekend we moved my parents.  Hopefully for the final time.  It kind of sucked.  Their old house was a restored 1900’s farmhouse on 5 acres.  It was huge and…it was home.  Their new house is a ranch style, built in the 70’s.  It’s smaller than their old house over all and the rooms are A LOT smaller.  It smells like smoke.  The property is beautiful but the house…not so much.  My parents furniture is way too big and over sized for the rooms and there’s flat out too much of it.  On top of that, my mother has suddenly turned into an old woman.  She painted the rooms these awful, pastel/gray/weird colors.  It just…it just isn’t home.  I was cranky and negative and now that I’m in my own home and away from the situation, I feel bad.  I know it will work out, but I don’t know if it will ever be home.

Work is going better.  Some days are really good.  I’m starting to be torn about changing positions and/or schools.  I’m wondering about sticking it out another year.  I know I know, it seems early to be thinking about these things but…applications for positions need to go out in February and I need to update my resume and all that junk.  Plus, for me, I need to be absolutely sure.  I feel like I put out applications and had interviews last year and took this job without being absolutely sure and it led to a lot of confusion and weird feelings on my part.  I want to be sure.

I took a week off running and I’m hating myself for it.  I need to run consistently.  I want to do Tri’s next year and I am getting ready to pay to join a Tri team.  I need to be running consistently.  But this week I found all kinds of excuses.  Noah was sick, my back hurt, parent teacher conferences, moving my parents…all kinds of excuses.  Saturday we’re running the Westerville Game Day 5k.  I really really really want to beat my time of 8:44.  But if I don’t work at it…I won’t make it.  I also can tell I’m gaining weight.  I’m up around 2 to 3 pounds from this time last year and…I know the number on the scale isn’t the be all end all but…it’s important to me.  I need to find the willpower to cut back on the sweets and work on the running.  I also wish I had a running partner who wasn’t Noah who ran my same pace.  I’ve stopped running with the Tuesday group because we’re running in the dark and I’m slower than everyone else.  I don’t want to make someone slow down for me, but I am definitely not running in the dark on the bike path by myself.

This week should be good.  I’m going to really concentrate on my running.  I’m going to focus on making my school day the best I can and more positive for me and the students.  It’s going to be a good week!